Local Governing Body

Local Governing Body

Queen Mary’s College is the founding member of the North Hampshire Education Alliance (NHEA), a multi academy trust centred in Basingstoke. Within the Trust, QMC operates a Local Governing Body, appointed by the Board of Trustees to focus on the academic progress and welfare of the students at Queen Mary’s. The Local Governing Body meets each half-term and discusses reports on, for example, examination results, quality improvement, student welfare and where students progress to after college. In addition, Local Governors visit the College during the working day both to see the College in action and to monitor specific areas of responsibility such as Safeguarding, SEND and Careers.

The Local Governing Body consists of between ten and thirteen Local Governors who provide a range of knowledge and skills to support and challenge the College Senior Management Team. The majority of Governors are appointed from the local community and include those employed in education and the wider public sector as well as other current and retired professionals and business people. The QMC Principal is a Local Governor as are two parents and two members of teaching staff. In addition, two students are elected each year, by their peers, to attend Local Governing Body meetings.

Statutory information about the North Hampshire Education Alliance can be found here.

Information about the Local Governing Body

The Local Governing Body consists of between ten and thirteen Local Governors who provide a range of knowledge and skills to support and challenge the College Senior Management Team. The majority of Governors are appointed from the local community and include those employed in education and the wider public sector as well as other current and retired professionals and business people. The QMC Principal is a Local Governor as are two parents and two members of teaching staff. In addition, two students are elected each year, by their peers, to attend Local Governing Body meetings.

David O’Donnell: Chair, NHEA Trustee and Local Governor
Roger Chung: NHEA Trustee and Local Governor

Liz Cooper: Local Governor

Jackie Day: Local Governor (also SEND representative)
Mark Henderson: QMC Principal (NHEA CEO)
Kirsten Johnston: Local Governor (also Careers representative)
Neil Maxfield: Parent Governor
Sarah Pritchard: Vice-Chair and Local Governor (also Safeguarding representative)

Agnus Wisniewska: Staff Governor
Marcus Rutland: Staff Governor

2024/25 Student Representatives (June 2024 to June 2025)
Dasha Kyei-Poakwah
Olivia Fisher-Collins

Local Governing Body Meetings

Minutes from the last twelve months of Local Governing Body meetings are published on the website along with the dates of upcoming meetings. Please note that minutes are not uploaded until they have been approved at the following meeting so it may take a while for them to be published. If you would like any further information about LGB meetings please contact the Academy Secretary, Toni Baldwin.

15th November 2023

25th January 2024

6th March 2024

May 2024 meeting cancelled

20th June 2024

24th September 2024

26th November 2024 – to be approved

Upcoming Meetings 2024/25:

21st January 2025

18th March 2025

13th May 2025

17th June 2025

Local Governing Body Documents

The Local Governing Body is a sub-committee of the NHEA Trust board, and its responsibilities are set out in a scheme of delegation. The LGB supports and strengthens the leadership of our academy by holding our Principal to account for the performance of students and staff, through challenge and the scrutiny of quality. It upholds and champions the Trust’s values and founding principles and is “the eyes and ears” of the Trust within the College

LGB Membership 2024/25

Register of Interests 2024/25

Attendance Records 2023/24

Scheme of Delegation(v3) – 2023

The Trade Union Facility Time reports
Relevant period April 2023 to March 2024
Number of employees who were relevant union officials during the period: 3
Percentage of working hours these 3 employees spent on facility time: all spent between 1% and 50% of their working hours
Percentage of total NHEA pay bill spent on facility time : 0.05%
Percentage of total paid facility time hours spent on paid trade union activities : 0%

Contact the Local Governing Body

Any person wishing to contact the Chair of the Local Governing Body should do so through the Academy Secretary (details below).

The Local Governing Body is always interested in potential new Local Governors. The LGB meets each half term on a Tuesday evening at 5.30pm (six times each year) and Local Governors also visit the College during the day at least once a year. Training is required for the role and Local Governors attend an initial training course, usually at least one other training session each year and also take several statutory online courses. The position of Governor is unpaid, but reasonable expenses may be claimed.

Queen Mary’s College is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and seeks to recruit Governors with the skills that are required for the effective operation of the Board and who reflect the diversity of staff and students at QMC, the community in Basingstoke and the wider area served by the College. If you would be interested to learn more about what is involved in being a Governor of Queen Mary’s College, please contact the Academy Secretary at: toni.baldwin@qmc.ac.uk

Dr Toni BaldwinQueen Mary’s CollegeCliddesden RoadBasingstokeHampshireRG21 3HF