Parent Information

Parent Information

Queen Mary’s College places great importance upon establishing a partnership with parents and guardians to support young people through this important phase of their lives.


QMC values highly its partnership with parents/guardians and we welcome your feedback, the positives as well as any concerns and suggestions you may have, at any time.

In addition, Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills) is keen to obtain feedback from parents/guardians of the colleges it inspects. They have an online questionnaire to help them understand how well colleges support their learners to ensure the best possible outcomes. You can find out more and complete their online questionnaire using their website.

Student Support

Please view the Guide for Parents below which gives you an overview of the systems we have in place to advise and support students in achieving their potential. Please feel free to contact us at any time on any particular aspect of your son’s or daughter’s education. You can also view Student Union here.


Students are expected to attend all timetabled classes, support sessions, enrichment sessions and tutor sessions. Attendance and success are very closely linked. Attendance, and punctuality, for each class is recorded electronically and Personal Tutors receive a weekly absence report. Any absence is investigated and if a Personal Tutor is not satisfied with the explanation given, they will contact you. You can monitor your son’s/daughter’s attendance online through the QMC app. However, if you are concerned about the amount of time that your son/daughter is spending away from College you should contact their Personal Tutor directly.

In addition, the College will endeavour to notify the primary contact, by the absence text messaging service, if their son/daughter has missed registration in any class. Information on attendance and punctuality is always available online through the QMC app.

Illness and Absence Reporting

If your son/daughter is unwell and unable to attend College, a parent/guardian ONLY should notify the Help Desk on each day of their absence by calling 01256 417500 or emailing Likewise, if you know your child cannot attend College because of an important appointment (i.e. a medical appointment) you must inform the Help Desk prior to their absence. This information is coded in our electronic registration system and Personal Tutors are informed.

If a student is taken ill during the day they must report to the Help Desk. The Help Desk staff will contact you or another named person in order to make the necessary arrangements for the student to be taken home. Unfortunately we are unable to keep unwell students on site as we do not have appropriate facilities. If the absence becomes long term please contact the Personal Tutor to discuss the situation.

Open Evenings

Parents and guardians are invited to come along to our open evenings to have a look around the College and speak to teachers.

Consultation Evenings

Consultation evenings with parents and guardians are noted in the College Calendar. In September we run ‘Meet the Tutor’ evenings for parents/guardians to meet the tutor as a group. Later in the year we run Cause for Concern Consultation Evenings with subject teachers. These are by invitation and letters are sent out approximately two weeks’ before the evening with an online booking system for appointments. If you do not receive an invitation letter you are welcome to contact your son’s/daughter’s Personal and/or Subject Tutors to arrange an appointment.


The QMC app allows students to view important information such as timetables, key calendar dates and exam information.  It also enables you to monitor attendance, progress and receive communications from the college. At QMC we know how important parents/guardians are in supporting our efforts. We will send out password information as soon as possible in September.

If you have any issues once logged into the app, you can use the feedback option in the menu or email

Letters to Parents

We send out a termly letter to parents, using email where possible, as well as a number of other informative letters throughout the year. Please advise us of any changes to your email address and/or if you have not received the most recent Termly Newsletter.


The college travel insurance policy insures students for accidental injury and other unforeseen medical emergencies; it does not insure students against existing medical conditions, such conditions will require additional individual coverage. If you are travelling abroad (especially America) you must read the College Travel Insurance Policy.

Online Payments

You can pay securely online for course resources costs, exam re-sits and much more via our Internet Payment service. You can download our Internet payment User Guide here. Passwords for using Tucasi are sent as soon as possible in the Autumn term.

College Calendar

To find out what’s going on when at College, please view the College calendar.

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