





At Queen Mary’s College, life goes beyond the classroom doors. Through our wealth of enrichment opportunities we encourage each student to be busy, to get involved with others, deepen existing interests and to explore new ones too. All students are encouraged to undertake Enrichment as part of their study programme, and we genuinely believe that you will struggle to choose from the opportunities available!

View descriptions of QMC Enrichment Opportunities HERE. The list is constantly changing with new opportunities being added on a regular basis too.

QMC’s Enrichment Programme will help you to become a well-rounded, self-reliant and confident individual; one that is well prepared for the next stage in your life and one that is able to demonstrate wider achievements to universities and employers.

Scroll down to find out how enrichment opportunities will help you to broaden your skills and experience.

Benefits of Enrichment

Boost your Employability

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Organisational Skills
  • Independence
  • Time Management
  • Leadership
  • Work Placements


  • Extend your Learning
  • Gain Additional Qualifications
  • Learn New Skills
  • Develop Interests
  • Technical Expertise
  • Industry Knowledge

Improve your Health and Wellbeing

  • Fitness
  • Relaxation
  • De-stress
  • Mindfulness
  • Nutrition
  • Enjoyment

Connect and Develop

  • Meet new people
  • Network
  • Build confidence
  • Fundraising
  • Volunteering
  • Charity work

Bianna Maria Gaillard

I studied Japanese for Beginners in my first year as an enrichment course and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to carry it on as a GCSE in my second year. I find languages really interesting. Studying Japanese as an enrichment at QMC has helped me to decide to study languages further at university. – Bishop Challoner Catholic Secondary School