Medics and Vets

Medics and Vets

QMC boasts an unrivalled package of support for students interested in pursuing careers in Medicine, Veterinary and Dentistry. Our team of experts identify such students early on and hold regular meetings to guide them through the process.

Students receive preparation sessions for personal statements, entrance tests and interviews, onsite talks from medical students and those already working in the profession, numerous workshops, trips, discussion groups and projects including the Fast track EPQ and Genome Sequencing. They also receive help with arranging work experience at the local hospital. As a result of the extensive support and additional opportunities, our students feel well prepared and confident in making the steps to pursue their passion in the Medic/Vet fields.

Success Rates
The results speak for themselves; Since 2012 QMC has enjoyed success rates of 75% and 78% respectively for Medicine and Veterinary applications. The national average is 38%.

Support for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science Applications

•Dedicated Staff mentor to guide you through the process
•Personal statement preparation
•On-site or remote talks from medical students/doctors/vets
•Workshops with medical professionals
•Interview preparation sessions for entrance tests
•Mock interviews
•BMAT and UCAT preparation
•Feedback on interview experiences
•Medical Ethics discussion group
•Fast track EPQ tailored to Medicine / Veterinary Science applicants
•Help with arranging work experience at local hospital


Medics and Veterinary FAQs

What A-levels should I take if I want to become a Doctor/Dentist/Vet?

The most important thing is that you should choose both Biology AND Chemistry A-levels. There are a small number of medical schools that will still consider your application if you only have one of these subjects, but it will really reduce your choice of University, and your chances of success, if you choose not to take both of these subjects. However, your 3rd A-level can be entirely up to you. Many people assume that you need to take Maths as your other A-level but this is definitely not the case. Except in a very small number of Medical or Vet schools (such as Cambridge) there is no advantage in studying Maths. Successful students from QMC have taken subjects such as History, Politics or Philosophy as their third subject Similarly, there is no advantage to taking 4 A-levels; only 3 A-levels will be required by Medical or Veterinarian schools, and doing 4 may affect your chances of achieving A or A* grades in Biology and Chemistry. You will have a lot to do outside of your A-levels (such as voluntary work and preparation for entrance tests) and you will be advised not to take on an academic programme that is too demanding of your time. A better choice might be to put a fast track Extended Project alongside your A levels in the first year.

I hear that a lot of your students who plan to study Medicine or Veterinary Science take the fast track EPQ course (known as Perspectives on Science). Is this compulsory?

No, but it is definitely something worth considering. It gives you the chance to look at a topic of current interest (for example organ transplant policy or animal testing) and to research both the science behind it and the ethical questions that it raises. Doing this is a great way to demonstrate your independence, time management and communication skills, and also to develop skills in ethical discussion and debate that will be essential in your interviews. Students do the course in the first year so that they can describe what they have done in their personal statement (Medics and Vets have to complete personal statements much earlier than other students) However it does not suit all students; if you are already planning to study an Alevel which teaches you essay writing and debating skills (such as History or Philosophy) then you can develop these skills through your A-level studies. Similarly, you may want to think carefully about the time commitment involved. If you are not sure about researching just medical topics and would like to have more flexibility in how you choose your topic area, then you may want to wait until the end of the first year.

How do I get onto the support programme for Medicine or Veterinary Science?

At enrolment, you should mention this to your enrolment tutor. They can make a note of your interest and also discuss whether your choice of A-levels is appropriate, and also give you a chance to discuss the fast track EPQ option. We will then invite all students studying Biology and/or Chemistry to a meeting in the first few weeks of term. We will explain then how the support programme works and you can then sign up to be part of the programme.

What QMC Students Say…

“The one thing that drew me to QMC rather than other colleges was the support for Medicine applications…. particularly for the BMAT and UCAT exams” – Ciaron

“We had a whole bunch of mock interviews…it’s really essential to prepare for the different types of interview you will face” – Matt

“At QMC you are provided with an understanding of the medical world, particularly the ethical issues” – Chloe

“The college has a lot of contacts with hospitals and people working in the NHS and was really good at arranging work experience for me” – Jess

“The [fast track] EPQ was a really interesting experience and was really helpful as a talking point at interview as well as teaching me important skills” – Catie

Video Testimonials

View the videos below to hear from current students about their experiences of the Medics/Vets package at Queen Mary’s College.