

The QMC Oxbridge Support Programme

Our promise to you:

a joyful, stretching and developmental programme

a subject specialist for every applicant

extensive, knowledgeable, support, when you need it

a meticulous plan, helping you build throughout Year 12 towards the strongest possible application to elite universities in Year 13

a zero-pressure approach, empowering you to decide what’s best for you

we stay in close, regular contact with Oxford, Cambridge and other elite universities, ensuring we give you the very latest advice, and offer lots of chances to hear from them

you will gain skills and experiences which will serve you well in applying to any elite university… and in life!

2024 statistics for Oxford applications:
We are hugely proud of all of our applicants for their courage to apply, their intellectual curiosity to take on such fascinating super-curricular activities, and their collaboration in supporting each other so warmly throughout the process.

59% of our Oxford applicants were interviewed (compared to about 49% globally, for these courses).

24% of our Oxford applicants were offered a place (compared to about 17% globally, for these courses).

All of our Oxbridge applicants have received superb university offers, including at least one Russell Group university each.

About us:

Our Oxbridge Support Programme, comprised of many specialist professionals, is overseen by Tom Featherstone, a former QMC and Oxford University student (Philosophy, Politics and Economics). Tom is passionate about passing on the outstanding application support he received from QMC to future generations.

Education for High Achievers is a key priority for QMC, reflected by the leading role we play in national and county initiatives. We have a fine and long-standing tradition of supporting high achieving students by providing challenging and stretching opportunities for students who are academically gifted, or talented in another area such as sports or the arts.

QMC students who apply to Oxbridge are offered places in subjects as diverse as Veterinary Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

We also provide additional support for students who are talented in other areas, for example play for national sports teams, win prestigious art and media awards, dance and act in national productions or play in highly respected orchestras. Wherever your area of talent lies, we are here to support you to help you achieve your potential and reach your goals.

Programme outline:

Take a look

Oxbridge courses our students have progressed to in recent years:

With a success rate well above the national average, our students have progressed to a wide range of Oxford and Cambridge courses:

Biochemistry Human Sciences
Chemistry Law
Economics and Management Medicine
English Language and Literature Music
Foundation Year in Arts and Humanities
(progressing to a full Cambridge
degree in Y2-4)
Philosophy and Theology
History Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Human, Social and Political Sciences Veterinary Medicine

To find out more:

Look out for our annual Oxbridge and Highly Selective Universities talk during Year 11
Look out for an email within your first few weeks at QMC inviting you to enrol into the programme

“The help was extensive, whether it was advice about the various Oxbridge colleges, what entry exams are needed or just regular updated guidance about super-curriculars, I never felt like I didn’t know what to do.”

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