Chemistry A Level

Chemistry A Level

Chemistry A Level is a fascinating subject that relates to almost every aspect of modern society. The curriculum, emphasising both scientific principles and practical skills, equips students to solve real-world problems and interpret complex data. As you delve into exciting topics like the elements of life, the chemical industry and more, you will not only gain a strong foundation in chemistry but also develop your logical thinking and problem-solving abilities, opening doors to diverse career paths.

Studying Science in our state-of-the-art labs and project spaces will enable you to develop the necessary technical ability and knowledge to play your part. Whatever your talent, at QMC you will find customised support to meet your aspirations and successfully pursue your particular interests and goals.

PG58 Science (1)
Science Explosion
QMC Science Lab
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Students excited to do experiments
Chemistry students doing experiments
Biology Stats
Chemistry students in class
P69 1
MG 9757
Science Stats
Students doing Experiments
Science Stats
Students in lab coats
Science Experiments
MG 9744
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Science Equipment
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PG58 Science (1)
Science Explosion
QMC Science Lab
Biology Stats
Students excited to do experiments
Chemistry students doing experiments
Biology Stats
Chemistry students in class
P69 1
MG 9757
Science Stats
Students doing Experiments
Science Stats
Students in lab coats
Science Experiments
 MG 9744
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Science Equipment
Science Stats
Science Stats
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Where can this course take me?

Advances in Science and Technology are revolutionising the world in which we live and influence almost every aspect of our lives. With the pace of discovery and development ever increasing, the range of career opportunities for people with the skills that Science qualifications provide are unimaginably diverse and you will always be in demand.

In Chemistry A Level, students will develop a deep understanding of scientific principles, combined with the ability to solve ‘real world’ problems, and the practical laboratory skills required for analysis, synthesis and research. Drawing conclusions from observations, using general principles to make predictions about specific contexts, interpreting data, explaining interesting phenomena, and calculating quantities of materials involved in chemical reaction will all form an important part of your growing skills. These skills will make you an attractive prospect for many different employers from a variety of different industries. The range of careers specifically based around Chemistry are too numerous to list, but a Chemistry degree is also a very effective route into surprising careers such as law, accountancy, banking and management.

Daisy Foote
Nishad KC
Luke Barretto
Erin Breslin
Excel Oloniyo (2)
Ella Barron
Katie Prickett
Arya Wood
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Daisy Foote
Nishad KC
Luke Barretto
Erin Breslin
Excel Oloniyo (2)
Ella Barron
Katie Prickett
Arya Wood
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QMC offers extra-curricular opportunities to students to help them learn and develop their skills and knowledge, to supplement their classroom learning. As a Chemistry student at QMC, you are able to go on course related trips and experiences. In second year, you are also able to attend Chemistry for University workshop to prepare you to study science in higher education. We also offer an excellent Medics and Vets programme for students who are interested in pursuing a career within these fields. View more enrichment opportunities here.

Maddie Reynolds

The Chemistry Department at QMC supply excellent handwritten knowledge packs and corresponding training books with past paper questions. Each training book contains 30-40 pages of past paper questions specifically for the topic being taught, meaning you can go into the exams feeling confident. – Sherfield School

Chemistry at QMC

Any Questions?

The Head of Department, Nick Everett

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