English Language and Literature A Level

English Language and Literature A Level

Course Overview

The two-year English Language and Literature A Level covers various topics, across fiction and non-fiction. You will study books, plays, speeches, letters, poems, news articles and journalistic writing, learning how a writer uses language in different styles for different audiences. 

What Will I study?

In the English Language and English Literature A Level course, students have the opportunity to study a plethora of interesting topics and hone their creative writing, to find their own voice. Comprised of three components, students will study:

  • Voices in Speech and Writing – Non-literary and digital texts from the 20th and 21st century will be explored. This includes interviews, broadcasts, podcasts, blogs, screenplays and travelogues. A play will also be studied to comprehend how a writer can create multiple voices and characters.
  • Varieties in Language and Literature– Students will evaluate how writers convey their thoughts, ideas and feelings on the theme of Society and the Individual. Key reading includes The Great Gatsby and Othello, and a choice of five other texts from prose, poetry or drama.
  • Non-Examined Assessment: A chance for students to show their creative writing skills, students will produce two original pieces of writing, one fiction, and one nonfiction. Alongside this, students will write a commentary on their work and inspirations. This is excellent practice for aspiring writers, novelists and journalists.
QMC Student Smiling in English Class
Reading in front of English Class
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QMC Student Smiling in English Class
Reading in front of English Class
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Students collaborating
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Entry Requirements

  • A minimum of 5 or more GCSEs graded 4/5 or above including English Language, and ideally, Maths.
  • To study this course, you will need at least a grade 4 in GCSE English Language, showcasing your proficiency in understanding and analysing written texts. With this foundation, you will be equipped to delve into how a writer uses language to shape the meaning of a text, and how a writer can develop their voice.

How will I be assessed?

  • 80% examination and 20% coursework.
  • Two written exam papers at the end of the course.
  • Two pieces of coursework.
  • Each exam paper will require essay writing on the texts studied, as well as unseen texts. 
  • Both papers are open book, meaning a clean copy of the text is given in the exam. 
  • Exams last 2 hours and 20 minutes, and require two essays to be written.
  • Two original writings (one fiction, one non-fiction) must be submitted for the coursework element, both between 1500 to 2000 words.
  • An analytical commentary of 1000 to 1250 words must also be submitted.
  • The coursework begins approximately halfway through the course.

Subject Combinations

The English Language and English Literature A Level course is an extremely flexible subject that leads naturally onto all degree courses. It develops creative analytical and critical thinking skills and complements other subjects areas such as:

  • Drama – Enhances understanding of character, narrative, and performance analysis.
  • History – Develops research, argumentation, and essay-writing skills.
  • Law – Strengthens skills in constructing arguments and interpreting texts.
  • Media – Supports critical analysis of communication, representation, and storytelling.
  • Film Studies – Explores narrative structures, themes, and visual storytelling techniques.
  • Philosophy, Religion and Ethics – Encourages deep thinking about morality, meaning, and the power of language.
  • Sociology – Examines social structures, identity, and the role of language in society.

Progression Pathway

Holly Rust
Giulia Galzignato
Melissa Cooke
Alumunus And Alumnae Collage (2)
Magnus Page
Jack Saunders
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Holly Rust
Giulia Galzignato
Melissa Cooke
Alumunus And Alumnae Collage (2)
Magnus Page
Jack Saunders
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A Level English Language and English Literature provide a strong foundation for university courses and careers in:

  • Higher Education: English, Creative Writing, Journalism, Linguistics, Media and Communications, Law, Education, Marketing.
  • Careers: Teaching, Publishing, Journalism, Copywriting, Public Relations, Law, Advertising, Content Creation, Media Production.
  • Apprenticeships: Opportunities in journalism, digital marketing, publishing, public services, and business sectors.View our prospectus button

Extra-Curricular Enrichment Opportunities

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As an English students at QMC, there are a wide range of enrichments available to you. See the following list:

Creative WritingThis enrichment course is an opportunity for people who write stories, poems, plays, TV scripts etc. to develop their skills and to learn more about the craft of writing. Students must be prepared to write in a variety of genres and to share their work with each other.

Debating Society Although this is not strictly speaking an English enrichment, the ability to debate and form arguments is a very useful skill to learn. The debating society run in-house student-led debates and participation in Hampshire events.

Further EnglishThis is an extension course to broaden your understanding of the canon of English Literature and to enable you to put your set texts in their literary and cultural context. You will look at a broad range of Literature written over the last ten centuries. There is no homework or formal assessment for this course but you will be expected to undertake additional reading.

Reading Group This is a monthly book group run by the Library. You will have the opportunity to read and discuss a range of books. This will improve your analytical skills and develop your ability to discuss texts.

Other enrichments that complements this course also include Dead Poets’ Society, Guide to teaching English as a Foreign Language and Playwriting.

View more enrichment opportunities here.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the different English A Levels?

  • English Language studies society through its use of language: how advertisers use language to sell products, how journalists use it to present the news, how babies learn it, how other countries learn it, how your gender or your job or your hometown shape how you use it.
  • English Literature is studying books, plays and poetry in detail. We also look at the context – what influenced the writer or poet as they were working on this? What inspired Oscar Wilde, or F. Scott Fitzgerald, or Philip Larkin?
  • English Language and Literature looks at how writers create their voices. The course looks at books, plays, speeches, letters, poems, opinion articles and digital texts, covering how a writer changes their style in fiction and non-fiction.
  • English Language A Level covers non-fiction, English Literature A Level only encompasses fiction, and English Language and Literature includes the study of both.

What sort of work is involved outside of lessons?

  • Further reading is always encouraged – the most successful students are the ones who read around the course texts, and teachers will recommend books or writers if a student wishes to take it further. Homework will be set to encourage your critical thinking and help develop your essay writing skills.

What are the differences in coursework between the English A Levels?

  • English Language has two parts – creative writing, and researching an aspect of language you’re interested in.
  • English Literature has one part – an essay comparing the final two texts on the course.
  • English Language and Literature has two parts – both creative writing, one fiction and one non-fiction.

What examination board is English under?

  • English Language A Level at QMC is taught with the AQA specification.
  • English Literature A Level and English Language and Literature A Level at WMC is taught with the Pearson/Edexcel specification.

Any questions?

Our Head of Department, Jason Yeomans will be happy to help.

Send an email