In this 2 year English Language A Level course, you will study the way that language varies and changes. This will involve a good deal of reading of texts, research and data and analysis of them. Attitudes to different varieties of language are also a key part of the course. You need to be curious and open-minded. You must also be willing to adopt new and rigorous ways of studying and investigating the language you use every day. Please note that English Language is not a creative writing course.
Our passionate team of dedicated teachers will guide you through a range of contemporary and classic texts or fascinating research and case studies. This will help you to develop expertise and build on your previous success at GCSE. Through lessons, clinics, enrichments, workshops and trips, English students at Queen Mary’s College are shown how to read, analyse and write about this rich heritage.
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Students collaborating
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Where can this course take me?
Holly Rust
Giulia Galzignato
Melissa Cooke
Alumunus And Alumnae Collage (2)
Magnus Page
Jack Saunders
English Language is highly regarded by universities as a facilitating subject and by employers as evidence of high level analytical and creative skills. The expertise in communication that you will develop through this course is transferrable for a wide range of jobs and careers. This is also an extremely useful skill for studying any subject at university, so universities value this A Level even if you are not going on to study for an English degree.
As an English students at QMC, there are a wide range of enrichments available to you. See the following list:
This enrichment course is an opportunity for people who write stories, poems, plays, TV scripts etc. to develop their skills and to learn more about the craft of writing. Students must be prepared to write in a variety of genres and to share their work with each other.
Although this is not strictly speaking an English enrichment, the ability to debate and form arguments is a very useful skill to learn. The debating society run in-house student-led debates and participation in Hampshire events.
This is an extension course to broaden your understanding of the canon of English Literature and to enable you to put your set texts in their literary and cultural context. You will look at a broad range of Literature written over the last ten centuries. There is no homework or formal assessment for this course but you will be expected to undertake additional reading.
This is a monthly book group run by the Library. You will have the opportunity to read and discuss a range of books. This will improve your analytical skills and develop your ability to discuss texts.
Other enrichments that complements this course also include Dead Poets’ Society, Guide to teaching English as a Foreign Language and Playwriting.
How does A Level English Language compare to GCSE English Language?
A Level English Language builds on GCSE by exploring language in greater depth, focusing on analysis, research, and real-world applications like language change, diversity, and identity.
What is the difference between the different English A Levels?
English Language focuses on how language works and is used in various contexts. English Literature analyses literary texts, while English Language & Literature combines elements of both.
What subjects can I combine with A Level English Language?
English Language pairs well with subjects like Sociology, Psychology, Media Studies, History, or Modern Languages, offering flexibility for various career paths.
How is the course assessed?
The course is assessed through two exams, which make up 80% of the final grade, and two pieces of coursework, worth 20%. The exams test your knowledge through essays and debates, while the coursework includes a 2,000-word investigation and a creative piece with a 750-word commentary.
What are the entry requirements for this course?
General entry requirements are 5 or more GCSEs graded 4/5 or above including English Language, and ideally, Maths.
To study this course, you will need at least a grade 5 in GCSE English Language, showcasing your proficiency in understanding and analysing written texts.
Any questions?
Our Head of Department, Jason Yeomans will be happy to help.