Music Technology A Level

Music Technology A Level

The Music Technology A Level will support students in forming personal and meaningful relationships with music technology through the development of musical knowledge, understanding and skills. These include recording, technology-based composition, listening, analysing and producing. Students will be encouraged to engage with a wide range of music technology techniques and develop an understanding of the historical and cultural contexts of the use of music technology in the creation and production of music.

Music Technology students in studio
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Music Technology students in studio
MG 9863
P12 Charles
Recording Studio
Music Technology
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The Music Department

We have high expectations of all of our Music students and aim to challenge you to achieve outstanding results. Here at QMC, we are delighted to have become a Music Mark School Member in recognition of the excellent courses, facilities, teaching and opportunities for Music students.

We are equipped with excellent facilities and a team of highly dedicated and committed teachers who will ensure that you are provided with every chance of succeeding during your time at College. The Music teaching staff at QMC are all active musicians, composers, engineers, producers and examiners in their own right, and are able to relay their industry experience to their students.

Thank you for all the hard work you do to ensure that students are able to access and engage with high-quality music education.”- Bridget Whyte, Chief Executive, Music Mark.

Our Performing Arts mission is to develop Creativity and Academic Excellence for your future:

  • Strive for excellence and innovation
  • Be authentic
  • Be exciting, inspiring and engaging
  • Ensure a positive and inclusive experience
  • Enable personal progression

Where can this course take me?

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Students completing this course will have a thorough understanding of Music Technology. This qualification is therefore good preparation for Music Technology at University or Music College. As well as preparing you for a career in music, we also help prepare you for a range of alternative courses and professions. Music Technology combines well with and complements Mathematics and Science (particularly Physics and Electronics), Media Studies and other Arts subjects. Music Technology A Level offers numerous transferable skills such as communication and teamwork that are valued in higher education, where it is welcomed as an entrance qualification for a wide range of courses. This means you can go on to study and have successful careers in a wide range of job roles from law to paramedicine.


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As a student in the music department, there is a wide range of enrichments at QMC that will supplement what you learn in the classroom. Enrichments which relate to Music Technology A Level include; QMC Records, Music Theory, Performing Arts Auditions Preparation and Pit Band. As well as a plethora of extra-curricular activities, you will also be able to go on the Performing Arts trip to New York in the summer. View more enrichment opportunities here.

Fun facts

  • The arts create independent learners and develop students emotional intelligence. They require the students to set their own agenda from within themselves, rather than follow set topics as in other subjects. They have to make independent decisions all the way, and be self-critical. They also need to be brave in exposing their creations, and accept criticism. Working in teams makes students into effective communicators.
  •  Arts ‘reach the parts other subjects can’t reach.’ The arts develop the broader dimensions of the human being – mind, body and soul. The arts can express the inexpressible and make sense of things that otherwise do not seem to. This can be very fulfilling and helps us function as human beings – which can only be good for society as a whole.
  •  Arts ‘reach the students other subjects can’t reach.’ Teachers find arts subjects particularly beneficial for two groups: those who struggle with traditional subjects and those who are high achieving. Less academic students can become defeatist if they feel they can’t achieve: drama, music or art can be the place they blossom. With studious students, the arts can bring them out of themselves and be a release.

QMC Music Department

Any Questions?

The Head of Department, Rob Cavill will be happy to help.

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