Travel to College: Public Bus

Travel to College: Public Bus

Stagecoach Buses
To use scheduled Stagecoach bus services to and from College you will need to purchase a StudentRider Basingstoke (local/inner Basingstoke), or a StudentRider Gold (for those living outside Basingstoke). You must apply for the zone appropriate to your address and this will be checked. The Stagecoach bus pass has the advantage that it can also be used in the evenings, at weekends and during holidays, without additional payments, for travel within your area. You must carry photo ID in support of your bus pass.

A Stagecoach bus in Basingstoke

Stagecoach usually updates their prices for the new academic year by August latest:

• Student rate tickets will be available to any full time student aged 16+.
• Applications are made through the Stagecoach website and issued as a smartcard.
• Replacement smartcards can be requested by students free of charge through the Stagecoach website or by phone.
• It is not possible to pay QMC for a Stagecoach Bus Pass. If you live within the Basingstoke town area and wish to purchase a weekly or monthly bus pass you can do so by contacting Stagecoach directly.

How to Apply for a Stagecoach Bus Pass
Applications for the new academic year can be made online from early August 2024 through Stagecoach.

For information regarding bus timetables, zone maps, etc, please visit the Stagecoach website or the Stagecoach app.

If you do not have access to the internet please contact Stagecoach on 0345 121 0190. Please use this number for any general enquiries regarding Stagecoach services and replacement passes.