
Ex Students

Ex Students

Applying to University

If you were a student at QMC who is now applying to university, and would like to use us as a referee, please email us at info@qmc.ac.uk or call 01256 417500. For information about applying to university please follow the links below:

Exam Certificates

 Certificates are held by the college for one year only – after that they will be destroyed and you will need to request a new certificates from the Awarding Organisations for a fee.

 If you require any further information or advice regarding the above, please contact the Exams Office on 01256 417519 or email exams@qmc.ac.uk.

The College is unable to provide replacement certificates. These can only be obtained from the appropriate examining body. You may find the following links useful if you are trying to obtain replacements:

Get in touch with us!

If you were a student at QMC we would love to hear what you are now up to! Complete this form or drop us an email at info@qmc.ac.uk. You can also join our Linkedin page.